1. Hold shift on the keyboard (you'll need one) and hit the reboot button the box (it looks like the 'play' sign backwards). Keep holding shift until you see the scrolling green lines - when you do, release shift, and start rapidly hitting '*' on the keyboard.
If done correctly, you should see a blank screen, and within a few seconds the Pace DSL4000 splash (the globe with a movie reel) should appear. If you get a message saying cancel, keep trying this step,until access the screen appears.
2. Once on the screen, on the keyboard hold Ctrl, tap v,and release Ctrl. Then hold Ctrl again, tap l, and release Ctrl.
3. The screen should refresh - now press enter (return)- you should see a * (or half of one), and a flashing cursor.
4. Type '!Boot' (without the quotes) and press and hold return.
5. You should be confronted with an booting config screen.
If this doesn't work, don't be surprised, its is difficult to get right, just keep trying until you get there.
no key board or remote can it be done without steven - Apr 17 2009 9:33AM