Suggested by: SkyMan1, 14 Aug 2010 | Print version
You can access the hidden engineering menus on most Sky Digital TV boxes with the following procedures. Once accessed, you can initiate a planner rebuild or do a full system reset (this will wipe all current settings).
Sky Boxes with older Sky Guide:
Select Services then press 4, 0, 1 then Select
Newer Sky Boxes:
Press Services the press 0, 0, 1 then Select
thank you very much i used the old code on my new hd box and was getting frustrated to the point of throwing it out the window as i used this code so many times on all my other boxes so i am very pleased for your input and i now know this new code.. -- Colin (Bluvandyke) Summerfield, Aug 18 2010 11:10AM
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