Suggested by: Burak, 20 Sep 2004 | Print version
1: Make sure camera is off and self powered via it's battery
2: Press and hold down SNAP button and PLAY-PAUSE/ENTER key
3: Power on the camera
4: As text "KEY TEST DV3M" appears wait for the left side of the screen to flicker once (takes approx. 1 sec.)
5: Release SNAP button while keeping PLAY-PAUSE/ENTER key down
6: Message "Key Test NG (not good) appears at the bottom of the screen
7: After 2 secs. a text (Ver 0.80) and a 4 digit display appears on the screen. First one disappears soon.
8: 4 digit display dynamically displays a number corresponds to the compressed image size in proportion with the scene complexity that camera sees.
Found on model DV3M D, correct timing is necessary.
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