Suggested by: Anon, 22 Jun 2003 | Print version
1: Left click on a tool. Hold this down
2: Right Click. Hold this down
3: Let up the left Button
4: Let up the right Button
5: Do this for all the tools
6: You will now have all the buttons selected
Works on Windows XP too.
It doesn't work on my WinXP with SP3. -- emcc, May 21 2009 12:27PM
It doesn't work on my winXP computer with sp3 -- emcc, Mar 31 2009 12:44PM
It doesn't seem to work on service pack 3 -- emcc, Mar 14 2009 11:29AM
Works fine on my XP version. -- Benson, Feb 4 2007 12:46PM
Same here this is a stupid easter egg. -- danandk, Feb 4 2007 12:35PM
Don't work for me :( -- Roupi Toupi, Jan 15 2007 12:45AM
It doesn't seem to work on version 5.1. Once you left-click and right-click, it deselects. -- Alan Redgown56, Jan 11 2007 5:50PM
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