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Microsoft Paint - Hidden Snap To Grid

Suggested by: Flarn2006, 04 Dec 2006 | Print version

1. Go to Start > Run and type regedit.
2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\
3. Change the SnapToGrid property to 1.
4. Change the GridExtent property to anything greater than 1.
5. Launch Microsoft Paint and play around (try the pencil tool first; it's cool), almost everything you do will snap to an invisible grid. Note that this is completely different from that zoom grid that separates the pixels.

I don't know why Microsoft didn't add a menu within Paint to activate that functionality, as it is clearly capable of doing it.

Comments | 7

i did this but only 2 and 3 on grid extent works -- Brian, Jun 22 2010 12:14PM

Prepare for a flood of comments from noobs who have totally ignored the warning about messing with the registry, and now have to re-install windows. -- BobbyEarle, Sep 1 2008 2:44AM

Works flawlessly in Xp Pro , nice modification in paint -- DarkShadow, Mar 20 2008 2:37PM

I couldn't get that to work on XP Pro. The function is there in the registry, but changing it does not affect mspaint. I tried the following figures: 1, 2, 5, 10, 1000 with no luck. I didn't try to reboot tho, that may be required? -- T, Mar 17 2008 10:24AM

It's easy to undo. -- Simon, May 26 2007 9:56AM

have you tried resetting the values to null or 0 -- nick, May 2 2007 3:06PM

How can you undo it? :O I can't paint any longer :'( -- Anonymous, Apr 2 2007 1:01PM

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