Suggested by: Anon, 30 Dec 2006 | Print version
First go to bowling mode, and bowl all the way up to the one where you have to knock down 91 pins, then go all the way to the right and bowl ONTO the wall and get it to roll all the way down. After that you should hear an explosion and all of the pins emenating from the middle will fall over (not blow up).
I've tried this and succeeded several times, just to be sure. The pins never fell down with an explosion. I have a video of it from my Official Nintendo Magazine, so i know it can be done, but i can't do it and neither can anyone i know -- Sepheris, Nov 19 2007 5:18AM
Yep works cool... Finally got platinum medal 700 whats top? -- _Dave_, Nov 12 2007 3:43PM
Yes! I needed this to get a gold medal. Finally! -- Jackson YouTube, Jun 5 2007 9:36PM
Finally! I can use this to scare my cousins when i play wii bowling at their house, all the time! thank you! -- Berky93, May 10 2007 8:23PM
duz it works for the other stages, -- wii-freak kyt, May 10 2007 5:32AM
Awesome! After seeing the video, I want a Wii even more badly...:( -- Alan Redgown56, Jan 11 2007 5:25PM
This works fine more than 3 times for me. -- K Tomson, Jan 7 2007 7:22AM
Does this work after 3 times? I tried the forth time but it stop doing this. -- The Master, Jan 1 2007 7:57AM
This is interesting - any others in this game? -- Jataka, Jan 1 2007 7:56AM
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