Windows XP - Microsoft Sam Hates Health Food

20 Sep 2006 | Sent in by ColonD

1. Go to your "Control Panel"
2. Now select "Speech"
3. There should be a "Text to Speech" tab -> Select it
4. Pick Microsoft Sam as your default computer voice
5. Type in "soy" and here him scream "SOY!!!!!" in a low, distorted voice.

Try "Crotch". He says "Crows Nest". LOL! Try this: Type "There is no soy on my crotch"

Comments (16) Add your comment

Calvin Bullock - Apr 22 2009 3:39PM type oooooooooooooooooooooooo a bunch of times and it sounds like a gun firing, if you have it on normal it sounds kinda si-fi ish and slow sounds like a plane

cal - Mar 5 2009 11:35AM put in poetry its so funny

Aerii - Oct 23 2008 1:15PM He's demon posessed.

Fungal Ambassador - Mar 12 2008 5:34PM Type in Egg and set it reaaly slow, egg sounds really wierd

kng - Jan 25 2008 1:45PM type in butthead... and it says buttnet

someone - Jan 24 2008 10:40AM It works with "soi", too.

Donald - Nov 6 2007 1:26PM He's actually a singer with his own band:

(Microsoft Sam sings about Windows XP)


bob - Aug 29 2007 1:50PM try typing in soooooooooooooooooo it sounds wierd

lozy - Jul 13 2007 1:27PM if you put it on lh michelle voice it sounds like lisa simpson! LOL

doctor - Jun 27 2007 2:39PM ha! thats well funny. type in shower on the moon and it sounds like a song.

dan - Jun 27 2007 11:15AM if you say shoy, it actually sounds like soy

James - May 7 2007 6:13PM HAHA, that's awesome, crows nest WTF? Change the voice speed to the slowest setting and have him say soy, it give it this metallic sifi sound, really weird. Type soy a bunch of times and set the voice speed to the fastest setting, it sounds like a helicopter.

Johnny - May 3 2007 9:23PM "Soi" works as well. That's how I discovered it. LOL :-)

Alex - Apr 28 2007 9:53PM The 'soy' sound is creepy.

Dan - Apr 23 2007 10:25PM But he will say "Crotchsoy" if you type it in

Andee - Mar 21 2007 11:01AM That was pretty funny