Suggested by ricko - 01 Mar 2007
Some words that results in an "I'm" emoticon:
Write each one exactly like they are here.
Yes, they all display "I'm" and wroks on MSN Messenger 8.0 and above. Compassioness - Sep 11 2008 9:25PM
*wwf = world wide fund for nature aaL - Apr 4 2008 6:45PM
Lukem_95 has it right. You can learn more here - As for the codes, here are the valid charities: *red+u American Red Cross *bgca Boys & Girls Clubs of America *naf National AIDS Fund *hsus The Humane Society of the United States *9mil *mssoc National Multiple Sclerosis Society *sierra Sierra Club *unicef UNICEF *help *komen Susan G. Komen for the Cure Dave - Mar 24 2008 7:41AM
Their used for Microsoft's i'm ( initiative which was started after Windows Live Messenger (WLM or MSN) 8.1 was released. Although it is rumored it was in 8.0 as well. The icons were obviously added as a prerequisite to soon be made useful for this initiative. From what I gather, they will probably give you the appropriate code (for which ever foundation it is you decide to support) when you join the initiative, although I'm not 100% sure. Jared - May 6 2007 6:49AM
That is wikked mate! J0514h - Apr 1 2007 6:34PM
Yes, if you put it at the start of your name a small donation (something like 0.02p) goes to the charit you choose... e.g. *wwf is world wildlife ascosciation Lukem_95 - Mar 21 2007 1:06PM
they all dislay exactly the same thing!! or at least they do on mine, i have the latest version of msn messenger, does this only work on older versions?? GingusOrelus - Mar 20 2007 2:38PM