Microsoft Access 2000 - Crashing Eight Ball

09 Aug 2000 | Sent in by Dave w.

1: Open Access as usual.
2: Create a blank Access database & name it whatever.
3: In database click on Macros.
4: Click on new.
5: Hit space bar & click close.
6: Save changes as "Magic Eight Ball"
7: Click and drag the resulting macro to the tool bar.
8: Magic eight ball should appear
as with MS Access 97, though the Magic eight ball doesnt work, Access crashes.

To Remove ...

1. Launch MS Access and open any database (MDF).
2. Click on TOOLS in the Menu Bar.
3. Click on CUSTOMIZE.
4. Select MENU BAR.
5. Click on PROPERTIES.
6. Click the RESTORE DEFAULTS button.
7. Click CLOSE.

Thanks to Bill Chandley for the removal instructions.

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dianne kristine - Feb 7 2008 6:35AM how to launch ms-access.. hehe dont know kc..