Suggested by: Kris, 17 Feb 2002 | Print version
1. Start MS paint.
2. Click on View menu.
3. Tap the "V" key.
4. A curios blank screen will appear taking over the entire screen. Click any key to return back to normal.
how do you paint? -- dug, Feb 13 2012 11:32AM
it's just a preview of the pic you're drawing! -- Badger, Aug 30 2008 1:50PM
It does the same as Ctrl-F, because it is selecting the option "View bitmap", which begins with a V from the view menu. The shortcut for this is Ctrl-V. It's not an egg, just a Paint command. -- John, Jan 28 2008 3:23PM
all it does is full screen your picture -- mso, Jan 14 2007 8:03PM
On my computer you have to tap B! -- Keesje uit Uden, Jan 12 2007 2:09AM
Hmm, that's strange. It seems to serve the same purpose as Ctrl-F. -- Alan Redgown56, Jan 11 2007 5:36PM
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