Suggested by: dipaoj, 17 Mar 2006 | Print version
1. On Disc 1, click on Select Scene.
2. Click on the last numbered group of scenes in the right-hand column.
3. Highlight the last scene, then push the down arrow. A gold ring will appear.
4. Click Enter to open the egg. Be prepared to laugh!
(Note that some of the dialog is a bit bawdy.)
This works on the extended version.
highlighting the last scene shows a gold ring at the top, where all the highlighted scene images are shown, pushing the down arrow gets you back to highlighting the first scene on disk 1 of my 2 disk set. -- BenTallmadge, Dec 6 2007 6:59PM
There is also one on the disc 2. Use the same way as on disc 1 -- Rasmus, Feb 27 2007 5:34PM
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