Tactical Ops - TV Nudity

05 Jun 2003 | Sent in by uNCLEsAM

1. Load up the map titled 2-Alpia (or whatever alpia map)
2. Look around the map for a Giant bridge. (best if you start on the terrorists side. go forward BEFORE the bridge, take a right, and enter the door.)
3. Walk up the the T.V. and press use. Enjoy the...(cough) 'view'!

Requires the latest update patch to work.

Violent bridge
1. Same map, same side, just walk up NEAR the bridge, (not in it) and shoot the red box w/bolts directly above the opening in the bridge.
4. Use whenever 'necassary'.


Hidden Theater

1. Once AGAIN, same map, any side.
2. Go to the barn, and up the stairs. instead of going out the window, go to the boxes and get inside of the group of them.
3. On the floor is a box lightly colored, more so than the others. Shoot it. It will break.
4. (NOTE: It will be dark inside, get good dark room lighting or somthing.) Crawl in, down the ladder, and use the button the differentiate between the THX logo and a moon texture. The moon texture, after investigation, is supposed to be (remember the same woman from the T.V.?) f**king a man beneath her. Oh well.

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