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20 Sep 2003 | Sent in by dgtlfnk
In the game "Return to Castle Wolfenstein":
1: Choose 'Multiplayer'
2: Choose 'Xbox Live'
3: Select profile (enter new one if necessary)
4: Choose XBox Live account and sign in
5: Choose 'Options'
6: Choose 'Online Options'
7: Enter new nickname ('Y' button)
8: Save Settings
9: Exit
"Return to Castle Wolfenstein" is the easiest and best game to use for renaming your Xbox. It gives you up to 15 characters, numbers and spaces to use... and also allows you to use upper and lowercase letters. There are no special characters or punctuation available... but, since you don't have to play any of the game to achieve the rename, it's much faster and easier than using DOA3, PGR, or Cel Damage.