Halo 2 - Rocket Sword

06 Dec 2004 | Sent in by G. Life

1. In any multiplayer level, have an empty rocket launcher, and a energy sword as secondary.
2. Take the rocket launcher out and and aim at a person. When the circle turns red press the "Y" button to switch to the energy sword, but exactly after press the trigger button as if you were firing the rocket.
3. The launches master chief/covenent like a rocket with the sword in his hand at the person you were aiming at and slashes at them with the sword. It is really hard to get the timing down but once you do, the trick is so sick!

Its harder to do it far away, but it still works. The closer you get the easier.

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martin - Apr 5 2008 3:36PM This is an old gitch also possible with the sniper rifle if you have the new maps its been patched still possible with the rocket but have to spam every button.

khm.. - Mar 31 2008 8:59AM eh.. u dont really need the rocket launcher to do this, all u have to do is to (with the sword) press the trigger button when the circle turns red and u'll still be flying and slash him ;) dun it maaaany times..